From the day we were formed over 140 years ago, the Fishermen’s Mission has been a Christian charity
Today our Christian faith is expressed in how we sacrificially serve our fishing communities.
Fishermen played a special role in the life and ministry of Jesus. Just as Christ called fishermen to follow him, today we go to them with a witness of hope, care, and love. Our Christian faith is expressed in practical support and hands-on welfare care. We are always ready to listen, advise, and walk with our clients through the ups and downs of their fishing life. We are ecumenical in outlook, ready to serve non-judgmentally those of all faiths and none.
Our Christian witness also sees us involved in services for our fishermen
We will help with a fisherman’s funeral and regularly undertake blessings of boats and fleets. We hold a weekly Fishermen’s Mission prayer time where we pray for our fishermen, our colleagues and so much more. Fishing vessels often have a Fishermen’s Mission New Testament on board.
For us, sharing the love of Christ and the good news of Jesus means being at the heart of our fishing communities. It means building relationships to make a real difference in people’s lives. We pray that our fishermen and their families will see the joy of the Christian faith in us as we serve them by taking the compassion of Christ to our coastline.