Our fundraising promise to you
- We are all fundraisers at the Fishermen’s Mission, with plenty of enthusiasm and passion to support the vision of our charity
- In our fundraising we will always maintain and promote the integrity that we share
- We will never take you for granted and will continue to treat you with the utmost care and respect
We don’t receive any government or lottery support and so every gift is a blessing. Simply put, we can’t do it without you.
For every £1 we generate, 88p is spent on providing help and support to our fishermen and their families. The other 12p is spent on making sure that our staff team are well trained and equipped to deliver this support in the best way possible.
Make a difference
Together we can make the lives of fishermen a little less difficult. Donate today and find out more about how you can change everything for the incredible fishermen at sea and their loving families.
Find out about our up-to-date news and events. Come and join us at a SeaFit event or help us raise much needed funds.
Love Came Down At Christmas
Love shall be our token,
Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and to all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
Trevor’s Story – The Loveable Rogue
Trevor, a retired fisherman from the Isle of Wight, once water-skied in the Solent whilst escaping from a thirteen-buckle straitjacket! Fishing for a living was equally perilous, as Trevor explains.
50 Years On – Remembering the Gaul in North Shields
This year marks 50 years since the tragic disappearance of the fishing trawler ‘Gaul’, along with its 36 crew members.
North Shields is paying tribute to the memory of the crew lost in this tragedy over 21-22 of September. The weekend of memorial events will honour the six crew from North Shields and 30 from Hull.