Love Came Down At Christmas
A Christmas message from Alison Godfrey
What a wonderful poem we have used for our Christmas letter to you all. Written by Christina Rossetti in 1885, the last verse reads:
Love shall be our token,
Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and to all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
For Rossetti, love is everything to everyone – all the time. It is at the very heart of our work here at the Fishermen’s Mission. Christmas is, of course, a time for sharing our love – with those who are precious to us and with those who need our support and care.
I do hope that you will be able to continue to show your love and support for our fishermen and their families by donating towards our vital work. We know that fishing families are facing difficulties in ways we may never have experienced this winter.
One fisherman shared with us that he was struggling so much to provide food for his family following an accident at sea. He had to scrape the fish bones they used for bait in the lobster pots to put food on the table. Help from you has meant that we were able to get them through this terrible time. We have a video here so he can tell you about his story in his own words:
On behalf of everyone at the Fishermen’s Mission, our staff and our fishermen, thank you for showing such selfless love to others. We wish you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
With warmest Christmas wishes,
Alison Godfrey
Director of Business Development for the Fishermen’s Mission