If you are administering an estate which kindly includes a gift to the Fishermen’s Mission, please get in touch with our Legacy Manager, Andy Perry. We’re more than happy to help provide support and guidance to both personal and professional executors, we however, cannot provide legal advice and recommend you seek professional legal counsel if needed.

If you wish to transfer funds to us electronically, please contact Andy for our bank details. We kindly ask that you only send us funds related to gifts in wills via this method.


Andy’s details are:

Tel: 01489 566922

Mobile: 07901 673148

Email: andyperry@fishermensmission.org.uk

Postal Address: FAO Andy Perry, Mather House 4400 Parkway, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7FJ


If you are a personal executor, you may find the following factsheets, produced by the Institute of Legacy Management, helpful:

Guidance for lay executors  

Document checklist for lay executors 

Thank you for your help in administering the deceased’s estate and fulfilling their final wishes. Their legacy will continue to help Fishermen and their families during incredibly tough times and can even save lives.