Following on from last year’s successful joint venture between the Fishermen’s Mission and the Old Low Light, the Harvest of the Sea on the Quay was again held on Saturday 12th March, this time in the Gut on North Shields Fish Quay. A Thanksgiving Service for the Fleet was held at 2.00pm and was conducted by Superintendent Peter Dade, Mission Area Officer North Shields.

The short service included two well-known seafaring hymns, and readings directly connected with the sea.
The Rt. Hon. Alan Campbell MP for Tynemouth was present and brought the first reading from Psalm 107.
Prayers of Thanksgiving were said for the Fishing Fleet, for all vessels that sail on the Tyne and for those whose work is with the Port of Tyne and the North Shields Fish Quay, and for the rescue services, including the RNLI and the TVLB and organisations that work alongside the Fishermen’s Mission, including the Apostleship of the Sea and the Mission to Seafarers.


100 people gathered on the best day, weather wise, for a long time! Tynemouth Lifeboat and her crew were present as was the Fisheries Protection Vessel St. Aidan and her crew and the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade (TVLB) Land Rover and her crew. We were also delighted to have North Shields Sea Cadets present. Members of the Association of Retired Fishermen (AORF) and the Retired Fishermen’s & Associates Club were present as were members of Churches Together North Shields.
After the service, in the Old Low Light, there was an opportunity to visit the fishing heritage on the middle floor, including model fishing/merchant boats, and a chance to view the commemorative Gaul bell and the original Ranger Castor name plate.

Supt Dade said this is the first time for about ten years that this service has been held in the Gut. We are very grateful to North Shields Fish Quay Company Limited for allowing us to hold this event. Many people remember the “Blessing of the Fleet” as it used to be called. We now have Fishermen’s Mission services at the beginning and the end of the year, with the Annual Lost Fishermen & Seafarers Service being held, this year on Sunday 16th October at 3.00pm.