Working together to improve the health and wellbeing of active and retired fishermen and their families

SeaFit is a joint initiative run by the Fishermen’s Mission and the Seafarers Hospital Society around the coastline of the UK. We bring services to the quayside based on tide times and fishing seasons. This gives fishermen easier access to health and wellbeing providers to help them make positive lifestyle choices.

The SeaFit brand is recognised in many fishing ports as we connect fishermen to physical and mental health services. We conduct regular quayside conversations, NHS health checks, mental health counselling, dental, health screening, information on self-management of long-term conditions, cancer information and a newly developed physiotherapy network. We also work with local GPs, health professionals and other charitable organisations.

Keep checking this page for the dates of SeaFit events near you:

See all events

SeaFit provides a range of free mental and physical health and wellbeing services for fishermen and their families. This includes:

  • Health Events at the harbourside
  • Healthy Lifestyle Advisors in the community
  • Dental checks at events, with some initial treatment and subsidised costs
  • Access to specialised mental health and wellbeing support
  • A network of Physiotherapists trained to meet the specific needs of fishermen


Together we helped in 2024:

  • 2,119 Engagements with our Healthy Lifestyle Advisors
  • 399 Health checks
  • 68 Dental checks
  • 61 Event days in 18 ports
  • 44 People receive counselling
  • 123 People receive physiotherapy

SeaFit Manager

M: 07486 319621


Mental Health Support:

Shout 24/7         

Text ‘Shout’ to 85258

Shout enables us to provide 24/7 free support using a confidential, service, although some mobile networks may charge for texts 

If a fisherman is feeling anxious, stressed or depressed they can text ‘Shout’ to 85258 for free, confidential support at any time of day or night.
After receiving four automated messages, they will be connected to a trained Shout volunteer who will listen, without judgement, to whatever is troubling them.


Fairwinds Mental Health: Newlyn 

M: 07934 720429


Fishwell Mental Health: Norfolk/Suffolk

T: 01284 765854



Healthy Lifestyle Advisors working with fishermen and their families to improve their overall health and wellbeing:

Cornwall – Healthy Cornwall

T: 01209 615600


East Yorkshire – Rich Beecroft

T: 0800 9177752


Aberdeenshire – Catriona Arthur

M: 07436 020165 


Activities include:

  • Help to stop smoking
  • Healthy eating and weight management
  • Physical activity
  • Help to stop alcohol and drug abuse

To find out more about the physio network:

Access to dental treatment:

If you are looking for an NHS dentist or require urgent treatment then information can be found here:

England  Scotland Ireland Wales

NHS waiting times can be very long, therefore if private dental treatment is not an option, these might be possible solutions, although there may still be waiting times and charges for some treatment:

Dreadnought Dental treatment for active fishermen: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Dreadnought contact details:  020 7188 2047   email:

Sea Hospital

  • NHS Health checks at the harbourside
  • Healthy Lifestyle Advisors in the community
  • Dental checks with some initial treatment
  • Access to mental health and wellbeing support
  • Physiotherapy